Tuesday, October 30, 2007


My high school basketball coach once opined "Be content, but never satisfied." A seemingly incongruous statement that flew right over the head of a naive kid. Here I am 15 years later and that quote just popped into my head. A sudden revelation out of my subconscious, I guess. I can't recall ever thinking of that quote since it was uttered to me during a motivational speech as another game on the hardwood approached. Until yesterday that is. But why yesterday? Yesterday, yesterday was my birthday. I've been riding this spinning globe for 32 years. I often take pause on my birthday and review the year's journey and luckily my brain works in strange ways and I remembered that quote. The last few years I've focused too much on the "never satisfied" part and forgotten about the "be content" part. As I sat and thought about my 31st year, I realized I've done some great things, despite having to overcome some big obstacles. My take on my coach's quote is to strive for balance between trying to achieve more and being content with what you already achieved. For me, I am content because: I am a bike racer; I am a lawyer; I am a husband; I a member of a loving family. What else can I ask for?

Blue Star

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