Tuesday, July 03, 2007

1-Track Rehab

I found my legs yesterday on a little over two hour road/mtb ride. I rolled on the Truth from the casa to Saint Eds State Park in Kenmore via some good roads and a short stint on the Burke Gilman trail. SLR joined me until we reached the Burke, where she continued on to get her road fix while I headed off to enjoy some dirt. The trails at St. Eds are mildly technical with a few roots, log jumps, and lots of quick direction changes. Due to the park's small size and urban location, you have to keep the speed in check because you're never sure if there is a hiker, biker, dog, small child, etc. around the next bend. I rallied the 1-track and slowly but surely my engine started to fire on all cylinders. Luckily the trails were nearly empty today. I put in some hard efforts and I was finally able to get my HR up over 180 after spending the last few weeks maxing out in the 170's, including the Winthrop race. Some fun trail riding seems to have gotten me back on track. Hopefully, the check engine light stays off and I can keep the fitness moving in a positive direction.

Blue Star

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