Saturday, January 28, 2006

5 Hours

Five hours on the road bike, 88 miles, and one huge bonk about a 1/2 hour from home. Stopped at Subway to fill the tank. I was in serious need of calories and my stomach was saying "NO!" to any more sugary syrup or sugary drink. So, it was a six inch roasted chicken breast on wheat with a bag of baked potato chips. I was lovin' that food, especially the chips. I crave salt during long rides. Tonight, lots of sodium on tap too with some seriously good sushi at Chiso. Maybe a Kirin Ichiban while I'm at it to get some more carbs. ;-)

Lots of snow in the Cascades the past few days. Something like 3 to 4 feet in the last 36 hours and snow level is down to 1500 feet. There was an avalanche on I-90 not too far from Tiger Mountain. So, Hayes and I are probably going to skip Tiger this weekend and do an alternative MTB ride. I'm going to sift through my guide books tonight to find something that offers enough mileage to get in about three hours, drains well, and is at or below snow level.

Blue Star out

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