Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Beautiful Winthrop and My Aching Back

This past weekend SLR and some friends of ours went to Winthrop, Washington for the sixth stop in Washington's Indie Series. Winthrop is in north central Washington in Okanogan County. It's an old mining town that was founded in the late 1800's and it still has a rustic country feel. The scenery surrounding town is on par with any great mountain town in the world. We rented a small cabin just oustide of town adjacent to the Methow River. Sorry I was lax with the camera again and didn't get any pictures of town or our abode for the weekend. If you ever have the chance, do try and make a trip to Winthrop.

The race was a tough one. I was in a race-long battle with several other guys for 2nd through 6th place. I, unfortunately, finished sixth. The course included a very steep climb known as "Dragon's tail." We went up it twice. The first trip up I was strong and middle ringed most of the pitches. The second time we went up, it was lights out in the engine room and I had to let my competitors get a gap on me. I tried to catch back on during the 3-mile super technical downhill (actually part of the DH course) to the finish, but instead took a header over the bars when trying to pass a lapped rider from a lower category and tumbled down a steep, sandy chute. Needless to say, I didn't catch the 2nd through 5th place guys.

I'm a little disappointed that I got dropped on the final climb. I think my back is zapping some of my power. I went to the doctor just before the race and he prescribed some physical therapy in an effort to fix the issue. My vertebrae in my mid-back are showing some signs of a past injury and deterioration that may be aggravating the muscles in the area. In addition to possibly slowing me down on the bike, I am also having real problems sitting at my desk at work. The seated position really aggravates the problem to the point I have to lay on the floor. Luckily, riding my bike makes it feel better. I am hopeful I can get this back issue resolved before the trip to Mt. Snow. Please send some positive energy my way to aid in the healing process.

And now a few photos from the weekend.

Lined up and ready start...

Dirty Blue Star Racer after taking a header.

Some scenery in the North Cascades from the drive home.

Looks like a switchback from a stage in the alps at the Tour de France, but it is really just Washington.

Thanks for reading,

Blue Star

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