Thursday, May 24, 2007

Blue Star Logo and Some Philosophy

You may have noticed, I've got a new logo. Thanks to graphic designer extraordinaire, Maggie-G. She created the design for me several months ago, however, my Dad's medical situation interrupted our momentum on the project. Now that I'm getting some focus back and some time, I hope to have some top-tube stickers and t-shirts made in the near future.

Next up, Blue Star Racing, LLC, which will be a small company focused on supporting a race team and maybe other bicyle related business endeavors. The key to getting this concept off the ground will be landing a paying non-bicycle industry sponsor that is looking to market to cycling and outdoor recreation enthusiasts. A dream, I know, but not impossible.

Along the lines of taking a long-shot, I recently read an interesting article that concluded that people that believe themselves to be lucky are not lucky at all. In reality, "lucky" people tend to share personal characteristics that position themselves for fortuitous occurences. One of those common traits is not being averse to taking a risk. Lucky people increase their chances of luck by exposing themselves to opportunity. Being a lawyer has taught me to be risk averse, calculating, and, as a consequence, I believe, less lucky. In light of recent events, quotes like "Carpe Diem" and "It is better to have tried and failed, then to have never tried at all" are all the more profound to me now. So, my conclusion of the day: take a chance once in awhile; life is too short to watch it pass by from the sidelines. Maybe adding a little risk to my life, may bring me some big rewards.

Blue Star


Anonymous said...

I like your new Blue Star logo ... could you make the star in the middle "pulse", to draw attention to it ?
Good business ideas ... I hope that they move forward and that their success meets your expectations.
In Law Star

Anonymous said...

I'd like to read that article you referenced. I've always thought of myself as lucky, and still think so. I've risked and lost, I've risked and won.

Positioning for fortuitous circumstances is just smart to do ... everyone should do it. One very successful person I met said that the happiest time of his life was when he was poor but struggling to "make it" -- once he had made it, the thrill was gone. He knew what he was talking about, because he "lost it" all, and then "made it" again. Its not taking a risk that is bad, its taking foolish or unreasonable risks, considering your individual circumstances. Being a lawyer just helps you to evaluate risk better. It won't make you less "lucky". It may be that the "better to have tried and failed" quote only applies to "love", because in that case, trying is a good thing in itself.

Yes, though, take risks, reasonable, well evaluated risks ... don't let life (i.e. the things that are the very most important to you) pass you by. The things that are important to you will change with experience and time.

In Law Star